Legislative updates


Our Voice, Our Industry, Our Future

NABIP Indiana PAC Allows us to…


NABIP Indiana PAC engages with Hoosier lawmakers from both parties to make sure our members’ voices are heard.


NABIP Indiana PAC educates legislators about how to provide Hoosiers with superior health care.


NABIP Indiana PAC supports Hoosier lawmakers who prioritize high-quality, low-cost health care.

Years of Advocacy
0 +

Where Does Your Contribution Go?

step 1
Identifying worthy recipients

The NABIP Indiana PAC Board selects State
candidates based on their positions on key healthcare issues.

step 2
The ideal candidate
  • Believes in access to a high quality affordable healthcare and related services
  • Values the importance of health insurance agents and brokers
  • Supports legislation that advances the interests of
    consumers, agents, and brokers in securing high quality affordable healthcare and related services
step 3
Why NABIP Indiana PAC matters

Your contribution to NABIP Indiana PAC allows us to communicate to policymakers how their decisions impact your industry and your clients.

Make Your Voice Heard

Join your colleagues and support NABIP Indiana PAC today!

NABIP PAC By The Numbers

No Surprise Medical Bills

Patients are no longer responsible for balances billed by out-of-network providers in emergencies or other instances where they do not have the ability to choose an in-network provider

$197 billion

saved with the repeal of the Cadillac Tax.

3.4 million employees and families

who benefit from allowing states to define their small group market.

$260 billion

saved by maintaining the employer exclusion on health insurance benefits.

Successes visible and invisible across the State Legislature

  • Donated over tens of thousands of dollars to causes vital the health insurance market in Indiana.
  • Established a mechanism for resiliency against sudden changes in the health market, should they materialize now or in the future based on Congress’ discretion.
  • Nurtured hundreds of relationships with lawmakers in both parties in Indiana.
  • Successfully prevented the destruction of dental and physician networks in Indiana health insurance markets. This has undoubtedly kept prices lower for consumers.
  • Created a long record of value-driven decisions to maximize the impact of donations. By donating to caucuses, events, and committees where it matters, and when it matters, donations are noticed when it counts.
  • Established NABIP Indiana PAC as a preeminent leader in Hoosier healthcare policy. Members of NABIP Indiana Chapter and donors to NABIP Indiana PAC have real clout in the legislature.
  • Successfully lobbied for Continuing Education credit carry over of up to 12 hours of credits passed in the 120 days prior to an agent’s license renewal. 

Help us grow our clout...

Your donation to NABIP Indiana PAC supports caucuses and committees that protect jobs, consumers, physicians, and agents, brokers, and more. We can preserve the marketplace and shape it as we’d like through NABIP Indiana PAC.


NABIP Indiana Chapter and NABIP Indiana PAC are constantly fighting to protect our industry so agents, brokers, and benefit specialists can continue offering their clients access to health insurance that meets their needs. These are just some of the recent successes NABIP Indiana  Chapter and NABIP Indiana PAC have had in the legislative arena.  If you have any questions, please contact Dwight Hall at dhall1950@yahoo.com

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